Amplifier Section
For switching the set on,
●turn button 1 clockwise and
●insert the KeyCard completely.
Your stereo is now ready for operation.
For switching the set off,
●turn button 1 counterclockwise or
●remove the KeyCard H.
First press on the KeyCard (to release it) and then take it out of the slot.
Balance and Fader
With two loudspeakers installed, you can balance the sound impression left/right; with four speakers available, you can also adjust the sound pattern of the front and rear level (fader).
The balance and fader function is activated by pressing the GEO button 2.
For balancing the sound level left/right:
●Press the GEO button 2.
The display Ga gives you BAL (Balan- ce) or FAD (Fader) plus a number bet- ween
●Press the rocker switch <</>> I left/ right. The sound of the left and right channel is balanced; the number on the display changes between
For balancing the sound level front/rear (Fa- der):
●Press the GEO button 2.
The display G a gives you BAL (Ba- lance) or FAD (Fader) plus a number between
●Press the rocker switch /
J up/ down. The sound of the front and rear channel is balanced; the number on the display changes between
The adjustment is terminated by pressing the GEO button 2 once again; otherwise, the display will automatically return to indication of radio or cassette functions approx. eight seconds after the last setting has been car- ried out.
Controlling Treble and Bass
Treble Control
For controlling the high frequencies:
●Press the TREB button 3.
The display Ga gives you TRE or BAS and a number between
●Press the upper part of the rocker switch <</>> I for boosting the treble or the lower part for treble reduction. The number on the display changes between
Bass Control
For controlling the low frequencies:
●Press the BASS button 3.
The display Ga gives you BAS or TRE and a number between
●Press rocker switch <</>> I to the right for boosting the basses or to the left for bass reduction.
The number on the display changes between
The treble and bass adjustment is terminated by pressing the BASS or TEB button 3once again; otherwise, the display will automati- cally return to indication of radio or cassette- functions approx. eight seconds after the last setting has been carried out.