IVMD Configuration instructions

Area settings en 19



4.2.3Area settings context menu

This context menu appears in the Area settings window when you right click outside a detector field in the camera image. Overview of commands:


Inserts the detector field copied to the clip-



Create Detector Creates a new detector field.



Switches to calibration mode


(see Section 4.3 Calibration, page 21).

Edit Sensitive

Switches to the mode for editing the sensitive


area (see Section 4.5 Sensitive area, page 33).


Show or hide:


Sensitive area


Object outline


Object bounding box


Detector fields


Direction filter

The checked options are shown in the Configuration Manager and on the Video content analysis configuration page in the Web browser view for the device. If you wish to view the options on the Web browser livep- age as well, you must check the Show VCA metadata option on the Livepage configuration page of the Web browser view.

BOSCH Security Systems

1.0 2006.04