IVMD Configuration instructions

Area settings en 27



The pixel pitch is obtained by dividing the image sensor size by the number of pixels. For sensors with 596 pixels, for example, this gives:

1/2 inch: 5.95 mm/596 = 0.0100 mm

1/3 inch: 4.96 mm/596 = 0.0083 mm

1/4 inch: 3.69 mm/596 = 0.0062 mm

For such a 1/4 inch image sensor with a 28 mm lens: camera constant = 28 mm/(0.0062 mm x 4) = 1129 For a 1/3 inch sensor with a 12 mm lens:

camera constant = 12 mm/(0.0083 mm x 4) = 361


iIf you change the camera constant, you must also change the size of the cubes to suit the actual relative sizes in the image.

Cube size:

Side length of the cubes (in meters).

A side length of 2 m (6 ft) corresponds approximately to the height of a person.

BOSCH Security Systems

1.0 2006.04