38 en Display of Measurements

IVMD Configuration instructions



5Display of Measurements

When you are working with the English software interface, measurements can be displayed according to the imperial system.

1.Close the Configuration Manager.

2.Click Start > My Computer.

3.Right-click the window and select Properties from the popup menu.

The window System Properties opens.

4.Click the Advanced tab.

5.Click Environment Variables. The respective window opens.

6.Under User Variables click New. The respective dialog opens.


Name of the variable: LANG

Value of the variable: us

8.Close all windows by clicking OK.

9.Start the Configuration Manager.

Measurements will be shown according to the imperial system.


Delete this user variable to return to the default display.

i This user variable is only valid for the current Windows login. You can create various Windows accounts, so that the display is pre-determined by the Windows-login.

1.0 2006.04

BOSCH Security Systems