Steps to Installing
Before you make any holes
Be sure you have read and understand the considerations provided in “Preparation” starting on page 5, so you can proceed with confidence.
Installation is basically the same, whether you are using these speakers with a rectangular grille or round grille and installing in a wall or ceiling. There are a few exceptions.
Wherever special instructions apply to ceiling or
CAUTION: If you are unsure of your ability to complete this process, contact a professional installer.
Allow 30 to 60 minutes to complete the steps that follow.
Drill a pilot hole for testing the wall space
Before you make a sizeable cut into the wallboard, check the space by probing behind the wall or ceiling through a small pilot hole. Time spent now can help ensure a successful installation.
Note: If you are working in an exterior wall where there is insulation, it may be difficult to probe behind a pilot hole. You may prefer to eliminate this step and skip ahead to “Prepare the wall for inserting the speaker” starting on page 21. Do this only if you can be sure the insulation is malleable and that nothing else behind the wall will impede the installation.
WARNING: If you believe the insulation behind the wall may be composed of asbestos, do not drill or cut into that wall. Find a different location for the speakers instead.
Using the template for this first step
You will need a sharp pencil for this step.
The template is designed to show where to drill two
Notice the dotted lines extending at an angle from the pilot hole to the bottom corners of the DO NOT CUT area on the template. Use them as a guideline for testing the area below the pilot hole to make sure it is spacious enough behind the hole for the length and width of the speaker enclosure.
To position the template
1.Select a spot on the wall or ceiling where you want the center of the speaker grille.
For ceiling installations, carefully consider how the position of the speaker enclosure behind the wallboard affects the orientation of the Bose® logo on the speaker face. To main- tain a consistent logo orientation, you can remove and rotate the speaker frame as needed before inserting the speaker into the ceiling hole. See Figure 21 on page 20.
Tip: Remember to allow enough space for the speaker enclosure both above and below the pilot hole. You may need that second option if you find an impediment in the space below the hole. This does not apply to exterior walls in cold climate regions, where
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