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Why would you change the house code?
Your PERSONAL® music center II is set at the factory with a house code identical to the factory setting on other LIFESTYLE® systems and remote controls. If you have not changed the house code set- ting in your LIFESTYLE® system, there is no need to change that code in your PERSONAL® music center II.
A LIFESTYLE® system radio frequency (RF) remote has a long range and the ability to penetrate walls. Therefore, the signals from a remote in one home can possibly reach and affect the operation of a LIFESTYLE® system in another. Changing the house code for the system and all the remotes used with it avoids the conflict.
To learn how to choose a different house code, see “To change settings for a feature” on page 21.
Note: For more details on the system house code, refer to the operating guide included with your system.
Audio streams multiply your options
While the LIFESTYLE® system is playing in the main room, you can use your PERSONAL® music center II in another room to play a completely different choice from that same system.
The system provides this choice by employing two independent audio streams to deliver the sound. So, while the Audio 1 stream fills the main room with
While the PERSONAL® music center II is set at the factory to control the Audio 2 steam, you can easily change it to Audio 1 – the stream that delivers sound in the main room.
For example, there may be times when you don’t want to hear what is playing in one of your multiple expansion rooms. Without disturbing the person enjoying sound on the Audio 2 stream there, you can switch to Audio 1, which may not otherwise be in use. This option also allows people in different rooms to use the uMusic®+ system with two different presets selected.
To learn how to choose a different audio stream, see “To change settings for a feature” on page 21.