





What to do






• It could be time to change batteries.

music center II

• In some buildings, you may experience “dead spots”

doesn’t work as

when the PERSONAL® music center II will not operate


effectively. If this happens, simply move it a foot or two


and try again.




• Make sure the cord that connects the power supply to the


LIFESTYLE® system media center (which contains the


remote antenna) is vertically oriented, stretched to its full


length, and separated from other power cords.


• Try moving the LIFESTYLE® media center a few feet to


see if this provides a better response.


• You may need an antenna extender, which is described


in the LIFESTYLE® installation guide.



No sound

• Make sure the house code setting for the PERSONAL®


music center II matches the house code in the primary


remote. Unless you changed it, the house code setting in


both should be 0.




• Make sure the PERSONAL® music center II room code


setting is unique to the room.



• If you are using a Bose® SA-2 or SA-3 amplifier, make






- the room codes are the same in the amplifier and in


the PERSONAL® music center II.


- the status indicator on the amplifier is lit to show it is







Intermittent response

• It could be time to change batteries.

from the LIFESTYLE®

• Move the PERSONAL® music center II to see if the prob-

system to commands

lem is caused by “dead spots” in the building.

from the PERSONAL®

• You may need an antenna extender, which is described

music center II

in the LIFESTYLE® installation guide.



Your system turns

• Check to see if someone in the main room is using the

on or off unexpect-

primary remote and is experiencing the same problem. If

edly or other tuning

not, you may be experiencing a control conflict with

changes occur

another nearby LIFESTYLE


system. Changing the

when no buttons on


house code may solve the problem.



• Refer to your LIFESTYLE® operating guide for details on

music center II have

when and how to change the house code.

been pressed






Audio 1 stream

• If you are using an older Bose product, which is not

doesn’t work

Bose® link compatible, you may be limited to the Audio 2


stream only.








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Image 28
Bose PMC II, BOSEPMC2 manual Troubleshooting, Problem What to do