Braun 6 manual Pre-Lift Operation Notes and Details

Models: 6

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Pre-Lift Operation Notes and Details

Standees: Lift Operating Instruc- tions apply to wheelchair passen- gers and standees. Standees should stand in the center of the platform (fully inside the yellow boundaries) and grip both handrails (if able) when on plat- form.

Yellow Boundaries: The passen- ger must be positioned in the center of the platform to prevent side-to-side load imbalance. The lift attendant (operator) should not ride on the platform with the passenger.

Yellow platform loading bound- aries are identified in the following manner. Yellow plastic edge liner (u-molding) is positioned on platform side plates of all lift

models. Yellow edge liner is positioned on fixed inboard roll stops also. Yellow plastic caps are placed on the dual handrails.

A yellow boundary strip decal is affixed to extruded aluminum outboard roll stops. Yellow anti- skid is affixed to nonextruded steel outboard roll stops. A yellow boundary strip decal is affixed to the inboard end (heel) of the platform (automatic inboard roll stop “IB” lift models). Yellow antiskid is affixed to the outboard edge of independent hinged bridge plates (“non-IB” lift models).

The attendant must always be certain the wheelchair passenger or standee is properly positioned on the platform (fully inside yellow

boundaries) and the wheelchair brakes are locked when a passen- ger is on the lift platform. The lift passenger must keep hands, arms and all other body parts within the lift occupant area and clear of all moving parts.

Vehicle (Floor Level) Loading and Unloading: The platform must be fully raised (at floor level) and the bridge plate must be properly positioned when loading or unloading passengers in or out of the vehicle. It is the responsi- bility of the lift operator (atten- dant) to ensure the platform and the bridge plate are prop- erly positioned at floor level when loading and unloading passengers.

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Braun 6 manual Pre-Lift Operation Notes and Details