Maintenance and Lubrication
Proper maintenance is necessary to ensure safe, troublefree operation. Inspecting the lift for any wear, damage or other abnormal conditions should be a part of all transit agencies's daily service program. Simple inspections can detect potential problems.
The maintenance and lubrication procedures VSHFLÀHGLQWKHIROORZLQJVFKHGXOHmust be per- formed by a Braun authorized service represen- tative at the scheduled intervals according to the number of cycles.
NL Series lifts are equipped with hardened pins and
LPS2 General Purpose Penetrating Oil is recommended where Light Oil is called out. Use of im- proper lubricants can attract dirt or other contaminants which could result in wear or damage to the com- ponents. Platform components exposed to contaminants when lowered to the ground may require extra attention.
Maintenance and lubrication proce- dures must be per-
IRUPHGDVVSHFLÀHG by an authorized service technician. Failure to do so may result in serious bodily injury and/or property damage.
When servicing the lift at the recommended intervals, inspection and lubrication procedures
VSHFLÀHGLQWKHSUHYLRXVVHFWLRQVVKRXOGEH repeated. Clean the components and the sur- rounding area before applying lubricants.
Lift components requiring grease are lubricated during assembly procedures. When these compo- nents are replaced, grease must be applied during
LQVWDOODWLRQSURFHGXUHV6SHFLÀHGOXEULFDQWVDUH available from The Braun Corporation (part num- bers provided on page 42).
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