5. Installing your child seat (forward facing) with harness
9-18kgs Group 1 (approximate age 9 months - 4 years)
5d 3
IMPORTANT - The child seat MUST only be used with a lap and diagonal seat belt (approved to UN/ECE regulation no. 16 or equivalent standards).
Stow the footprop in the footprop storage area.
Place the child seat forward facing in your car. For ease of access, turn the front of the child seat towards you. Pull out the seat belt as shown, holding the lap and diagonal sections together (dia 5a inset).
IMPORTANT - Do not allow the belt to twist at any time.
Feed the seat belt around the front of the child seat, through the first routing slot, directly in to the back of the seat at the point shown (dia 5a).
IMPORTANT - Do not use the red diagonal guide on the headrest.
Take the seat belt and pass it through the second routing slot (dia 5b).
Handy hint - If your seat belt is too short you may need to direct the diagonal section behind the headrest before starting the installation.
Pull all the slack from the seat belt to the front of the child seat and fasten the seat belt in the buckle (dia 5c).
Make sure the seat belt is not twisted and the lap section passes across both red lap belt guides. Ensure the diagonal belt is positioned in the back corner of the child seat shell behind the headrest.
Push the child seat in to your vehicle seat using your full body weight and tighten using the following sequence.
Pull and hold the diagonal belt , pull at position 2 to remove all the slack and pull to tighten 3 (dia 5d).
Check the seat by pulling firmly on the harness. There should be little or no movement. If the child seat is still loose, carefully repeat the above tightening sequence.