3Press uor dto display each field, and then type in the text.
4• To print a single copy, press p.
•To print multiple copies, several copies while increasing certain characters, or a mirror image of the text, press g, then a. (For details, refer to Using special printing functions on page 31.)
☞Accented characters (page 17), symbols (page 20) and bar codes (page 18) can be entered in the template fields.
☞To quit using the template, display the last field, and then press n. The Auto Format menu appears. Press uor duntil EXIT appears, and then press n .
Printing Labels
Previewing the label layout
The Preview function allows you to see a sample of the layout of the text.
●To use the print preview, press g, then p. The length of the current label is indicated in the
☞To scroll the print preview left or right, press lor r.
☞To return to the text, press nor b.
Feeding tape
●To feed out 1" (23 mm) of tape, press f. The message “FEED” is displayed.
☞Press f to feed out any leftover printed tape after pressing o to quit printing.
Printing a label
●To print out a label, press p. The message “WORKING”, then “COPIES” followed by the number of the label being printed is displayed.
☞To quit printing, press oto turn off the