1. Printing
Setting the Emulation mode 1
aPress Menu, 4, 1.
(For DCP models press Menu, 3, 1.)
bPressa or b to choose Auto (EPSON), Auto (IBM), HP LaserJet, BR-Script 3, Epson FX-850
or IBM Proprinter.
Press OK.
cPress Stop/Exit.
We recommend that you set the emulation setting with your application software or network server. If the
setting does not work properly, choose the required emulation mode manually using the control panel
buttons of the machine.
Printing the Internal Font List 1
You can print a list of the machine’s internal (or resident) fonts to see how each font looks before you choose it.
aPress Menu, 4, 2, 1.
(For DCP models, press Menu, 3, 2, 1.)
bPress Start. The machine prints the list.
cPress Stop/Exit.
Printing the Print Configuration List 1
You can print a list of current printer settings.
aPress Menu, 4, 2, 2.
(For DCP models, press Menu, 3, 2, 2.)
bPress Start. The machine prints the settings.
cPress Stop/Exit.
Restoring default printer settings 1
You can return the machine’s printer settings to the default settings. Fonts and macros loaded to the
machine’s memory will be cleared.
aPress Menu, 4, 3.
(For DCP models, press Menu, 3, 3.)
bTo restore the default settings, press 1.
To exit without making a change, press 2.
cPress Stop/Exit.