
Editing images

The (Edit) button lets you edit images with various functions.

a Choose images you want to edit by clicking the image from the image viewer.

b Click

(Edit). The edit window will appear.


c Edit the images with Trimming, Image Correction and Image Enhancement functions.


d Click



Attaching images to E-mail

The (Send E-mail) button lets you attach images to your default E-mail application. a Choose images you want to attach to E-mail from the image viewer.

b Click (Send E-mail), and your default E-mail application starts and shows a new E-mail with attachments.

Opening images with an application

The (Open with an Application) button lets you open images with a specific application directly. a Choose images you want to open by clicking the image from the image viewer.

b Click (Open with an Application).

c Select the application from the drop-down list and click OK. d The image will appear in the application you have chosen.