
Windows® 7 users:

Click the button, Control Panel, System and Security and then Windows Firewall. Make sure the Windows Firewall state is set to off.

Windows Vista® users:

a Click the button, Control Panel, Network and Internet, Windows Firewall and click Change settings.

b When the User Account Control screen appears, do the following.

Users who have administrator rights: Click Continue.

For users who do not have administrator rights: Enter the administrator password and click OK.

c d

Click the General tab. Make sure that Off (not recommended) is selected.

Click OK.


After the Brother software package is installed, turn your Firewall back on.


Choose your machine again in the DeviceSelector application located in Mac OS X or Macintosh HD (Startup Disk) / Library / Printers / Brother / Utilities / DeviceSelector or from the model pop-up menu of ControlCenter2.