Chapter 3

Defining Print Density and Other Options








1Print Density

Available settings: [0] - [10]

Default setting: [6] (PJ-623/663), [4] (PJ- 622/662)

This parameter determines print density, which affects the darkness of the printed document. A lower value produces lighter print; a higher value produces darker print.

Darker print uses more battery power, but may be easier to read if the font or other document content is made up of narrow lines. If battery conservation is important, select a lower value.


If this parameter is changed in the printer driver’s dialog box, that setting has priority.

2Form Feed Mode

Available settings: [No Feed], [Fixed Page], [End of Page], [End of Page Retract] Default setting: [Fixed Page]

This parameter determines how paper is ejected; it determines how the printer responds to form feed commands received from any source.

No Feed - Paper is not fed at the end of a job. Because additional paper is not ejected when at the end of the document, this setting is useful when using non-perforated roll paper.

Fixed Page - Paper is fed at the end of a job to suit the vertical length of the selected page size (i.e., letter, legal, A4, or user-defined size). Select this setting when using cut sheet paper.

End of Page - Paper is fed until the printer detects that no paper remains in the input slot, or until 14" (355.6 mm) of paper has been fed. Select this setting when using perforated paper.

End of Page Retract - Paper is fed until the paper sensor detects a pre-printed end-of-page mark on the paper or the end of the sheet. When this setting is selected, set [Paper Type] to [Perforated Roll Retract].


If this parameter is changed in the printer driver’s dialog box, that setting has priority.


Available settings: [Disable], [Enable]

Default setting: [Disable]

If [Enable] is selected, the printer ejects a short length of paper when the printer turns on. When using perforated roll paper or roll paper that is pre-printed, we recommend setting this parameter to [Disable].

4CR-LF Mode

Available settings: [LF=LF CR=CR], [LF=CR+LF CR=CR+LF]

Default setting: [LF=LF CR=CR]

This parameter determines how the printer responds when LF and CR commands (ASCII characters 10 and 13) are received. By default, the print head advances to the next line for an LF (line feed) command, and the print head returns to the left margin for a CR (carriage return).