Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service,
maintenance, or use can cause explosion, fire,electrical
shock or other conditions which may cause personal
injury or property damage. Consult a qualified installer,
service agency, or your distributor or branch for
information or assistance. The qualified installer or
agency must use factory-authorized kits or accessories
when modifying this product. Refer to the individual
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work
gloves. Use quenching cloths for brazing operations and
have a fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions
thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions attached to
the unit. Consult local building codes and appropriate
national electrical codes (in USA, ANSI/NFPA70,
National Electrical Code (NEC); in Canada, CSA C22.1)
for special requirements.
It is important to recognize safety information. This is the
safety--alertsymbol . When you see this symbol on the
unit and in instructions or manuals, be alert to the
potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING,
CAUTION, and NOTE. These words are used with the
safety-alert symbol. DANGE R identifies the most serious
hazards which will result in severe personal injury or
death. WARNINGsignifies hazards which could result in
personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify
unsafe practices, which may result in minor personal
injury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to
highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced
installation, reliability,or operation.
Failure to follow this warning could cause in personal
injury or death.
Before performing service or maintenance operations
on unit, always turn off main power switch to unit and
install lockout tag. Unit may have more than one
power switch.
Failure to follow this warning could cause in personal
injury,deathand/or equipment damage.
PuronR(R--410A) refrigerant systems operate at
higher pressures than standard R--22 systems. Do not
use R--22service equipme nt or components on Puron
refrigerant equipment.
Failure to follow this warning could cause in personal
injury or death.
Relieve pressure and recover all refrigerant before
system repair or final unit disposal.
Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling
refrigerants. Keep torches and other ignition sources
away from refrigerants and oils.
Failure to follow this caution may result in personal
Sheet metal parts may have sharp edges or burrs. Use
care and wear appropriate protective clothing, safety
glasses and gloves when handling parts and servicing
569J units.
Replacement/Retrofit– R22 to PuronR
Replacement/retrofit installations require change-out of
outdoor unit, metering device, and filter driers.
Change-out of indoor coil (evaporator) and
interconnecting tubing is recommended.
Existing evaporator coil – If the existing evaporator coil
may be re-used,check with the coil manufacturer to verify
the coil construction is suitable for operation with the
higher pressures of PuronR(R-410A). Also determine if
the existing TXV valve is compatible with R-410A,
replace if necessary. The minimum factory testpressure
rating must be 250 psig (1725 kPa). Existing coil will
need to be purged with Nitrogen to remove as much
mineral oil as possibleto eliminate cross contamination of
Acid test – If the existing system is being replaced
because of a compressorelectrical failure,assume acid is
in system. If system is being replaced for any other
reason, use an approved acid test kit to determine acid
level. If even low levels of acid are detected, install a 100
percent activated alumina suction-line filter drier in
addition to the replacement liquid-line filter drier.
Remove the suction line filter drier assoon as possible,
with a maximum of 72 hr of operation.Recommendation:
Install a ball valve in the liquid line at the filter drier
location wheninstalling a suction filter in the suction line.
Existing refrigeration piping – Re use of existing refrigerant
piping involves three issues: quality (strength) of existing
tubing, cleanliness and tube size. Inspect all tube segments
and joints for signs of damage, corrosion or poor brazing.
Flush the interconnecting pipingsystem with dry Nitrogen to
eliminate as much trace of mineral oil as possible.