All Units —
Voltageto compressor terminals during operation must be
within voltage range indicated on unit nameplate. See
Tables 10 and 11. On 3-phase units, voltages between
phasesmust be balanced within 2% and the current within
10%. Use the formula shown in the legend for Tables 10
and 11, Note 4 (see page 23) to determine the percent of
voltage imbalance. Operation on improperline voltage or
excessive phase imbalance constitutes abuse and may
cause damage to electrical components. Such opera tion
would invalidate any applicable Bryant warranty.
Field Control Wiring —
569J unit control voltage is 24 v. See Fig. 33
(569J***A/B) and Fig. 34 (569J***D/E) for typical field
control connections and the unit’s label diagram for
field-supplied wiring details. Route control wires to the
569J unit through the opening in unit’s end panel to the
connections terminal board in the unit’s control box.
Remainder of the system controls connection will vary
according to the specific construction details of the indoor
section (air handler or packaged fan coil). Fig. 16
(569J***A/B) and Fig. 17 (569J***D/E) depict typical
connections to a Bryant 524J fan coil unit. Plan for field
connections carefully and install control wiring correctly
per the project plan. Additional components and
supplemental transformer accessorymay be required.
The 569J unit requires an external temperature control
device. This device can be a thermostat (field-supplied) or
a thermostat emulation device provided as part of a
third--partyBuilding Management System.
Install a Bryant-approved accessorythermostat according
to installation instructions included with the accessory.
Locate the thermostat accessory on a solid wall in the
conditioned space to sense average temperature in
accordance withthe thermostat installation instructions.
The 569J***A/B unit is a single--stage cooling unit. If no
economizer function is required, select a single --stage
cooling thermostat. If an integrated economizer function is
required, select a two--stagecool ing thermostat.
The 569J***D/E is a dual--circuit, two-stage cooling unit.
Select a two—stage cooling thermostat.
Select a thermostat cable or equivalent single leads of
different colors with minimum of four leads for 569J***A/B
or five leads for 569J***D/E unit. Check the thermostat
installation instructions for additional features which might
require additional conductors in the cable.
For wire runs up to 50 ft. (15 m), use no. 18 AWG
(American Wire Gage) insulated wire (35°C minimum).
wire (35°C minimum). For over 75 ft. (23 m), use no. 14
AWG insulated wire (35°C minimum). All wire sizes
larger than no. 18 AWG cannot be directly connected to
the thermostat and will require a junction box a nd splice
at the thermostat.
Note 1: Connect only if thermostat requires 24-vac power source.
Note 2: Connect W1 and W2 if supplemental heaters are installed
Field Wiring
(Note 1)
(Note 2)
(Note 2)
Fig. 16 --Typical Remote ThermostatConnections
— 569J***A/B
Note 1: Typical multi-function marking. Follow manufacturer’s configuration
instructions to select Y2.
Note 2: Connect only if thermostat requires 24-vac power source.
Note 3: Connect W1 and W2 if supplemental heaters are installed
Field Wiring
(Note 1)
(Note 2)
(Note 3)
(Note 3)
Fig. 17 --Typical Remote ThermostatConnections
— 569J***D/E