If the unit will be operating at 208-3-60 power, remove
the black wire (BLK) from the transformer primary
connection labelled “230” and move it to the connection
labelled “208”. See Fig. 18.
Fig. 18 --Control TransformerWiring
ExternalDevices —
The 569J control transformers provide 24--v NEC Class 2
power sources to energize external control devices. These
devices will include the indoor fan motor contactor (or
control relay). These devices may also include liquid line
solenoid valve (two on 569J***D/E model), economizer
control relay, supplemental electric heater contac tors or
control relays andother devices selected by system designer.
Control transformer TRAN1 provides control power through
terminal R to C on the field connection terminal strip TB for
supply fan motor interlock. This source may also be used to
energize economizer control relay and electric heater
contactors or relays. Maximum available power is 20 va.
Check concurrentloadings by external control devices. If the
maximum concurrent loading exceeds 20 va, purchase and
install the accessory Transformer--Relay package (available
for 208/230 and 460--vunits).
569J***D/E only: Control transformer TRAN3 provides
control power through terminals A1 (9) and A2 (10) to C for
liquid line solenoids. Maximum available power is 75 va .
These outputs are switched ON/OFF by the Solenoid Valve