Troubleshooting WDS (Step-by-Step Instructions)
The most common issue with WDS installations is using the wrong MAC address. The proper MAC Ad- dress for the access points is the ‘Wireless MAC Address’. The best place to document this is under the ‘System Information’ section of the confi guration web page. For proper setup, please continue reading this document.
Communication problems with WDS (wireless bridging/repeating).
WDS is a very complex bridging system, and it is not part of the 802.11b or 802.11g standard.
Please verify that the following conditions are met (if just one condition is not satisfi ed, then WDS can- not be used on the wireless network):
1.All wireless access points in the wireless bridge need to be from the same vendor (e.g. all Buffalo access points).
(At time of publication, the Apple Airport Extreme WILL work in WDS with Buffalo G54 access points.)
2.No single access point can communicate with more then six other access points in the wireless bridge.Good Practices:proper location.