MHz (MegaHertz): One million cycles per second.
NAT (Network Address Translation): An internet standard that enables a LAN to use one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set for external traffic.
NIC (Network Interface Card): An expansion card connected to a computer so the computer can be connected to a network.
Packet: A block of data that is transferred as a single unit, also called a frame or a block.
Packet Filtering: Discarding unwanted network traffic based on its originating address or its type.
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect): A bus that is connected directly to the CPU.
PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) Card: Removable module that adds features to a portable computer.
Ping (Packet Internet Groper): An Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP address is accessable.
Plug and Play: Hardware that, once physically installed, finishes its installation automatically and may immediately be used, as opposed
to hardware that requires further manual configuration.
PoE (Power over Ethernet): A mechanism to send DC power to a device using a CAT5 Ethernet cable.