Burnham V9A manual Hydraulic Draw-Up Sections

Models: V9A

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Figure 12: Hydraulic Draw-Up Sections

a. STEAM BOILERS: The assembled boiler must be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 45 psig to 55 psig.

b. HOT WATER BOILERS: The assembled boiler must be subjected to a hydrostatic test of not less than 1½ times the maximum allowable working pressure, as established by the relief valve provided with the boiler. For example, a boiler with a 50 psi relief valve must be subjected to a test pressure of 75 psig to 85 psig.






Failure to properly hydrotest all boilers at the


correct pressure may result in section assembly


failure in operation.




OUTSIDE, to insure against leaks from cocked


nipples or through concealed breakage caused in


shipping and handling. This precaution is for your


protection and will simplify handling of necessary


replacements and adjustment claims.


5. After making certain that there are no leaks, drain


boiler and remove plugs for boiler trim and other

Figure 13: Boiler Section Assembly




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Burnham V9A manual Hydraulic Draw-Up Sections