5. AVS 840 Power Receiver
Items included
AVS 840 Power Receiver
Cinch/scart connecting cable
Control elements
Rear side
| 4 |
6 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Items included:
1 Power AVS 840 Power Receiver
1 9 V
1 Cinch/scart connecting cable
Control elements
1. A/V Cinch output sockets
1 video, 2 audio output sockets. These take the received signal and feed it into the receiving unit via the appropriate adapter cable. With adapter cables (2 cinch / scart cables are included with the system) it is possible to connect almost any item of equipment.
Note: for audio transmissions, it is usual to use a cinch/cinch cable. These are readily available in the trade (see picture).
2.Connecting socket for 9 V mains adapter
For connecting the 9 V mains adapter.
3.On / Off switch
For switching the video receiver on and off.