Playing Back Video
Playing Back Video
Operating modes:
1 Press S. | 93 |
• You can also press and hold Bon the wireless controller for more than 2 seconds to switch between shooting and playback mode.
2 Open the date index screen, if it is not displayed.
[b] [1Date]
3 Look for the scene you want to play back.
• Move the zoom lever toward Qto show 15 scenes per page; move it toward Pto show 6 scenes per page.
AMemory being read.
BRecording date.
CDivision line between recording dates.
DDrag your finger left for the next index page*.
EDrag your finger right for the previous index page*.
FOpen the index selection screen (097).
G3D Flip View (096).
HScene’s timeline (0102).
*While browsing through index pages, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds. When you have a large number of scenes it may be more convenient to drag your finger along the scroll bar.