Printing Images
2Choose an image.
zzPress the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button.
X[] is displayed.
zzTo remove the image from the photobook,
press the <m> button again. [] is no longer displayed.
zzRepeat this process to specify other images.
zzWhen finished, press the <n> button to return to the menu screen.
Still Images
Adding All Images to a Photobook
1Choose [Select All Images].
zzFollowing the procedure on =243, choose [Select All Images] and press the <m> button.
2 onfigure the print settings.
zzPress the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button.
Still Images
Removing All Images from a Photobook
1Choose [Clear All Selections].
zzFollowing the procedure on =243, choose [Clear All Selections] and press the <m> button.
2 Confirm clearing the photobook.
zzPress the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button.