SNMP setting
This proje ctor p rovides a SNMP (Simple Netwo rk Mana gement Protocol)
agent func tion. The SNM P consis ts of a man ager an d agent s. The group
whic h c omm uni cat es inf orm ati on ea ch oth er wi th SNM P is cal led
"Community". There are two access modes in a community, Refer (read only) and Set (read-
write). This projector allows to use Refer (read only) only. The SNMP message informs the pro-
jector status called "Trap" to an administrator. Click
SNMP Setting
on the main menu and
set up each item.
Item Description
Contact ............................................... Enter user name of the projector etc. (optional)
Place .....................................................Enter place of the projector (optional)
Community name(refer) ....... Enter community name (read only). Default name is "public".
PJ information
SNMP setting
Item Description
Community name ...................... Enter community name to send "Trap". Default name is "public".
Trap address ................................... Enter IP address of the SNMP manager computer to receive "Trap".