Status Description
Normal ...............................................................Projector is operating normally.
Power management in operation
...........Power management is operating
Lamp failure ...................................................Lamp failure is occurring
Abnormal Temperature .........................The temperature of the projector became too high
Standby after Abnormal Temp. ........ Projector detects abnormal temp. and sets into standby mode.
Power failure ................................................ Power failure has occurred inside the projector. Projector is turned
off. Unplug the AC cord and ask servicing to a qualified service
Power control and status check
When a se curity (PI N code lock) h as been set o n the projector, you also cannot
control it through the network. To cont rol the projec tor th rough t he net work,
unlock the security on the projector using with the projec tor's menu control.
Caution about turning on/off the projector vi a the networks
When turning on/off the p rojector via the networks, preset the projector as fol-
1. Select “Setting” from the Projector menu.
2. Select “Standby mode” from the Setting menu and s et it as “Network”.
If you set this funct ion as "Netwo rk", the network part of t he proj ector i s con-
stantly provided wi th power even if the projector is turned off. If you set this as
Eco, then the n etwork part w ill be turned off when y ou turn off the p rojector.
Consequently, you cannot turn on/off the projector via the networks.