Web browser setting
Netscape Navigator v.7.1JavaScript Setting
Selec t P refer ence from Ed it
men u on t he w eb br ow se r
and th e n s el ec t th e i te m
Advance d/Scri pts & Plu gins
in the Cat egory column. Make
sure that the Enable JavaScript
for Navigator is checked.
Proxy setting
Select Preference from Edit menu on the web browser and then selec t the item Advanced/
Proxies in the Category column. Properly set up your web browser's the proxy server set-
tings according to the local area network environment to which the projector is connected.
- Using proxy server
When you use an e xternal internet connection from th e local area networ k, selec t the item
Manual proxy configuration. Enter the proxy server address and port numb er correctly on
HTTP Proxy item. For further instruction please consult your network administrator.
- Not using proxy server
Sele ct th e ite m Dir ec t con -
nection to the Internet in th e
proxy setting window.
If yo u c onne ct the pro jec tor
to the compute r dire ctly with
STP c ross cabl e, t his m ust be
To designate proxy settings that
will not use the proxy server
when accessing the projector
installed in the local area net-
work, enter the IP address or
domain name here.