Printing Images Wirelessly from a Connected Printer

Connect the camera to a printer via Wi-Fi to print as follows.

These steps show how to use the camera as an access point, but you can also use an existing access point (=132).

1 Access the Wi-Fi menu.

zzAccess the Wi-Fi menu as described in step 2 in “Adding a Smartphone Using the Wi-Fi Menu” (= 130).

2 Choose [].

zzPress the [][][ ][ ] buttons or turn the [] dial to choose [ ], and then press the [] button.

3 Choose [Add a Device].

zzPress the [][] buttons or turn the [] dial to choose [Add a Device], and then press the [] button.

zzThe camera’s SSID is displayed.

4 Connect the printer to the network.

zzIn the printer’s Wi-Fi setting menu, choose the SSID (network name) displayed on the camera to establish a connection.

5 Choose the printer.

zzChoose the printer name (either press the [][] buttons or turn the [] dial), and then press the [] button.

6 Choose an image to print.

zzPress the [ ][ ] buttons or turn the [] dial to choose an image.

zzPress the [] button.

zzPress the [][] buttons or turn the [] dial to choose [Print], and then press the [] button.

zzFor detailed printing instructions, see “Printing Images” (= 166).

zzTo cancel the connection, press the [] button, choose [OK] on the confirmation screen (either press the [ ][ ] buttons or turn the [] dial), and then press the [] button.

●● Connections require that a memory card with saved images be in the camera.

●● Once you have connected to devices via the Wi-Fi menu, recent destinations will be listed first when you access the Wi-Fi menu. You can easily connect again by pressing the [][ ] buttons to choose the device and then pressing the [] button. To add a new device, display the device selection screen by pressing the [][] buttons, and then configure the setting.

●● If you prefer not to display recent target devices, choose MENU (=30) ► [] tab ► [Wi-Fi Settings] ► [Target History] ► [Off].

●● To use another access point, follow steps 3 – 4 in “Using Another Access Point” (= 132).

Before Use

Basic Guide

Advanced Guide

1Camera Basics

2Auto Mode / Hybrid Auto Mode

3Other Shooting Modes

4P Mode

5Tv, Av, M, and C Mode

6Playback Mode

7Wi-Fi Functions

8Setting Menu


