Quickly Finding Imagesg Displaying 9 Images (Index Playback)

Displaying 9 images at a time lets you quickly find the image you want.

Select Index Playback.

Move the zoom lever toward g. XImages will display in an index. The

selected image will have a green frame and be enlarged.

Select an image.

Press the opqr buttons to move the green frame.

Display only the selected image.

Move the zoom lever toward k.

XThe image in the green frame will display in Single Image Playback.

Searching 9 Images at a Time

Select Index Playback.

Move the zoom lever toward g.

Display the Jump bar.

Move the zoom lever toward g. XThe jump bar appears.

Jump Bar

Change the displayed images.

Press the qr buttons to switch between displays of 9 images.

To return to Index Playback, move the zoom lever toward k.

Holding the mbutton and pressing the qrbuttons will jump to the first or last set of images.