1Display the slide show menu (p. 104).

2Select [Program] using the S or T arrow and select [Show 1], [Show 2] or [Show 3] using the W or X arrow.

zA checkmark (3) will appear beside a show already containing images.

3Choose [Select] using the S, T, W or X arrow and press the SET button.4Mark images to include in the show.Single Image Playback

zMove between images using the W or X arrow and mark or remove marks from images using the S or


106 7. Playback-Advanced Functions

zThe selection number and a check mark (3) appear at the bottom of selected images.

Index Playback

zPress the zoom button's or the button to switch to index playback (3 images).

zSelect an image using

the W or X arrow and mark or remove marks from images using the S or T arrow.

zThe selection number and a check mark (3) appear at the bottom of selected images.

zAfter you press the SET button, you can select all the images by selecting [Mark all] using the S or T arrow and pressing the SET button again. You can deselect all the images by selecting [Clear all].

zYou can select images using the W or X arrow and change the settings using the S or T arrow after [Mark all] or [Clear all] has been selected.

5Press the MENU button.

zThe image selection screen will close.