positioned next to the left of the power switch on the camera back. Via the Custom Function menu, you can assign a variety of controls to that button (as you could on the EOS 40D’s Jump button) including LCD Brightness, Image Quality, Exposure Compensation/AEB, Image Jump and Live View Function settings.
Previously, some Live View settings were made in the
AF Microadjustment Both models now feature an improved version of the AF Microadjustment custom function (C.Fn
Using AF Microadjustment requires taking a series of test shots with the camera focused on a precise subject, with foreground and background clearly visible. Shooting test images with different Microadjustment values, it’s possible to select which setting gives the best results after viewing the images at 100% in your computer. You then set that value up to +/- 20, using the AF Microadjustment Custom Function screen.
In the Microadjustment custom function window, you can choose to correct focus for all lenses or individual lenses. For either, pressing the INFO button brings you to a second screen with a +/- 20 analog scale. Here’s where the focus locking position of the lens can be adjusted for- ward or backward in up to 20 fine increments in either direction.
The amount of adjustment for one step varies based on the maximum aperture of the lens. When saved, the camera’s autofocus system will continue to operate in normal fashion, but the precise plane of sharpest focus will be moved forward or backward based on the AF Microadjustment settings. The adjustment information for a lens (or camera) can be disabled or easily readjusted, and does not apply to other cameras using the same lens.