Contoured Action Grip | Film Rewind/Multiple |
The specially shaped battery | Exposure Lever |
compartment cover provides a firm actionTraditionally located on the base, Canon
grip for steadier shooting. Press the | has relocated the film rewind lever on top |
release button underneath to remove the | for easier access when using a tripod or |
cover and gain access to | other accessories. For film rewind, turn |
the battery. | the lever clockwise and depress. Do the |
| same thing before cocking the shutter to |
| take multiple exposures. Rapid sequence |
| multiple exposures are also possible |
| using either of the power drives |
Accessory Shoe
Located on top of the pentaprism viewfinders for direct mounting of all Speedlites. Special contacts permit automatic setting of the 1/90 sec. flash sync speed and flash aperture when in shutterpriority AE mode.
Winder/Motor Drive
Remove the protective screw cap to connect either the AE Motor Drive FN or AE Power Winder FN. The power drives have a receptacle for storing the cap