Message | Description | Action |
MEMORY FULL | – The memory becomes full | – When sending the docu- |
| during sending, or receiv- | ment, divide it into a few |
| ing the fax. | parts or select a lower fax |
| – The number of fax jobs | resolution. |
| that can be stored in | If you need more space, |
| memory reached the max- | wait for the machine to |
| imum. | send any remaining faxes. |
| – The machine memory can |
| store up to 256 fax jobs |
| including sending and |
| receiving jobs. |
| (Based on the condition |
| that the other party sends |
| the fax by the |
| imageCLASS MF3200 |
| Series with |
| dard Chart No.1, stan- |
| dard mode.) |
| Wait for the machine to |
| send any faxes in |
| memory. Also print or |
| delete any documents in |
| memory. |
NOT AVAILABLE | You pressed the | Check the information |
| speed dialing key that has | registered under the one- |
| already been registered, | touch speed dialing before |
| when you specify a one- | using. |
| touch speed dialing key as |
| Troubleshooting |
| the group dial. |
| |
| |