
Histogram (p. 18)

i mmDm[Dl l[]

ShootingMode (pp. 35, 42, 47, 64, 66, Basic Guidepp. 11- 13)

[ [ mlMetering Mode (p. 55)


ISO Speed (p. 69)

mMm[t [

RecordingPixels/Frame Rate (Movies) (p. 45)

Sh_ter speed

[]Time Lapse (p. 46)

Aperture Setting

My Category(p. 82)

Exposure Compensation(p. 56)

Flash (BasicGuide p. 14)

Macre/Infinity(Basic Guidep. 15)


_l_My Colors(Shooting)(p. 62),

[] [] Color Accent/Color Swap(p. 64)

m Immlmmm lm l

My Colors(Playback) (p. 92)

[] Imagewith Red-EyeCorrection (p. 89)/MyColors effect (p. 92)


White Balance (p. 59)

File Size

W Red-EyeCorrection(Playback)(p. 89)

Recording Pixels (Still Images)(p. 30) Movie Length(Movies) (p. 42)

The following information may also be displayed with some images.


A sound file ina format other thanthe WAVE format is attached or the


file format is not recognized.


JPEGimage not conformingto Designrule for Camera File System




RAW image

InformationUnrecognizeddataforimagestypeshot on other cameras may not display correctly.


Page 19
Image 19
Canon SD850 IS manual MmDmDl l