Switching between Fraction and Decimal Format


The format of the fraction depends on the currently selected fraction display format setting (improper fraction or mixed fraction).

You cannot switch from decimal format to mixed fraction format if the total number of digits used in the mixed fraction (including integer, numerator, denominator, and separator symbols) is greater than 10.

For details about the fkey, see “Using S-D Transformation”.

k Percent Calculations

Inputting a value and pressing 1((%) causes the input value to become a percent.











<#003> 2% = 0.02

(——100 )








<#004> 150 20% = 30



<#005> Calculate what percentage of 880 is 660.


<#006> Increase 2500 by 15%.



<#007> Discount 3500 by 25%.



<#008> Discount the sum of 168, 98, and 734 by 20%.


<#009> If 300 grams are added to a test sample originally weighing 500 grams, what is the percentage increase in weight?

(160%) <#010> What is the percentage change when a value is increased

from 40 to 46? How about to 48?

(15%, 20%)

k Degree, Minute, Second (Sexagesimal)Calculations

You can perform calculations using sexagesimal values, and convert values between sexagesimal and decimal.

Inputting Sexagesimal Values

The following is the syntax for inputting a sexagesimal value. {Degrees}e{Minutes}e{Seconds}e

Appendix <#011> Input 2°0´30˝.

Note that you must always input something for the degrees and minutes, even if they are zero.
