Using the Drawbar Organ Mode
To select a drawbar organ tone
1Find the drawbar organ tone you want to use in the tone list (the separate Appendix A) and note its tone number.
2Press the DRAWBAR ORGAN button.•This causes the drawbar organ tone selection screen to appear.
Tone Number | Tone Name |
D r a w b a r 1
3Use the number buttons to input the three digit tone number for the tone you want to select.
•Always input all three digits for the tone number, including leading zeros (if any).
•You can also increment the displayed tone number by pressing [+] and decrement it by pressing
•When using a drawbar organ tone, playing a note that is outside the range of the tone you are using, the keyboard automatically plays the same note in the nearest octave that falls within the playable range.
To edit a drawbar organ tone
1Select the drawbar organ tone (000 to 049, 100 to 199) you want to edit.DRAWBAR ORGAN
Number buttons
2Use the [] and [] CURSOR buttons to display the drawbar organ tone editing screen. Select the parameter whose setting you want to change.
Example: Selecting the “Ft16’” parameter
Parameter Setting Parameter Name
F t 1 6 ’
•There are a total of 13 parameters. You can use the [] and [] CURSOR buttons to cycle through them. See “Parameter Details” on page
•While the “More?” screen is on the display, you can
advance to the synthesizer and DSP effect editing screens by pressing the [] CURSOR button or the [+] button.
3Use the [] and [] CURSOR buttons or the [+] and
•You can also change a parameter setting by entering a value with the number buttons.
•You can monitor the changes in a tone by playing notes on the keyboard as you adjust parameter settings.
•Selecting a different tone after you edit parameters replaces parameter settings with those of the newly selected tone.
•If you have drawbar organ tones assigned to more than one channel, changing the drawbar organ setting for one of the channels causes the same setting to be applied to all of the other channels as well.
•See “To save an edited drawbar organ tone” on page