Installing an L.P. Gas Cylinder.
no tools needed
Locate these parts:
cylinder |
retainer |
wire | L.P. gas |
( 1 ) | cylinder |
| ( 1 ) |
grease pan
( 1 )
WARNING: Connect the L.P. cylinder to the grill outdoors only.
Fill the cylinder before connecting.
Read and follow all directions on the cylin- der and fuel hose safety tags.
1.Working from behind the grill, set the cylinder into the large round opening in the grill base.
2.Position the
3.Insert the left end of the wire into the small opening in the base.
4.Flex the right side so that it fits into the opposite opening on the right side of the base.
(Behind and below the grill bottom.)
(To see this better, the grill is shown clear.)