Hottop Coffee Roaster

WARNING: Read and understand the owner’s manual and
all the safety precautions, before using the
manual Mode of the KN-8828P!


manual Mode of the KN-8828P!


manual Mode of the KN-8828P!
“Manual Mode” allows the user to control t he roaster to create a roasting
profi le that they prefer. This mode offers a lot of fl exibility and offers a powerful, yet easy-to-use interface.
The following pages document the various ways to create, modify, and use the Manual Programs.
The LCD display gives the user a lot of information and is the interface for the manual programming
mode. Because of that it is very important to understand what it is saying to you. Refer to page 17 for the
explanation on those elements of the interface not explained here:
Each “Program” is comprised of eight “Segments” which are implemented automatically, in order,
during the roast. Each Segment will have three major components:
The remaining amount of the total roast time is displayed in the upper-left
area along with the temperature.
The amount of time remaining in the cu rrent roast Segment is displayed nu-
merically, superimposed over the Segment Display
A Program contains the information on how the Manual roast will proceed. Up to ten P rograms can
be saved for later use. These a re stored in non-volatile memory and are saved even when the machine is
unplugged for extended periods of time. The number of the current program is shown above the Segment
display as seen here.
A graphical representation of the time remaining for the current Segment is
shown at the bottom of each Segment in the form of four small squares. Each square
represents 1/4 of the time for that specifi c Segment. Glancing across the bottom of
the Segments is another way for the user to see how far the roast has progressed.
The amount of time that a segment is active during a Programmed roast can be from “0:00” to “3:00.
Although there are eight segments, and each ca n be three minutes in length, t he greatest amount of time
for any given Program is 22:00. The KN-8828P will not allow you to save a Program that is g reater than
22:00 in total length (not including the Warm-up time which is automatically added to every roast).
During the roast, time is displayed in three areas on the display:
KN-8828P MAN UAL Mode

Roasting with Programs

Program 0 - This program is factory installed and cannot be changed or deleted.
Program 1-9 - These nine programs are for your use. When the machine
arrives, these programs are ‘blank”- they contain no information.
Programs can also be named.