SELECTING A KN-8828P PROGRAMBefore you can begin roasting with a Program you must select which Program to use. For your fi rst
roast we suggest trying “Program 0” which is the factory default Program. This will help you understand
how Programs operate before attempting to create your own roasting profi les. Follow these directions to
select a Program:
Plug the machine into an appropriate outlet and the “POWER/START” button will
become illuminated. Press “POWER/START” and you will notice in the display that
“AUTO” is the default.
Press “>” t o change the displayed mode from “AUTO” to “MANUAL” and then
Press “ENTER” to select that mode.
The complete display will appear on the LCD display. The numeral in the “PROG”
area is fl ashing “0” and the name of the Program, “STD,” is displayed in the Message
STD, Program 0, is the default, factory-installed Program which cannot be modi-
��� ed or deleted. Choose the Program you wish to use by using “+” and “-” buttons. You will see the cur-
rently selected Program Number in the numeric display. The selected Program’s alpha-numeric designa-
tion will also be displayed in the Message Center.
When the Program you wish to use is displayed, press “Enter.” The display changes color and the
KN-8828P is now ready to begin the roast cycle. At any time during this process of choosing a Program ,
you may press “BACK/EJECT” to go back through the various main areas of the process. For example, if
after you press “ENTER” to choose a Program you decide to use a different program, just press “BACK/
EJECT” to get back to the screen which allows the selection of a Program and use t he above process to
change the selection.