TARGET TIME and REMAINING TIME TARGET TEMPERATURE and CURRENT TEMPERATURE During the actual roast ing process the time display will countdown the remaining time i n the roast.
If the Select arrow is used to choose the time display it becomes encircled (shown to the left). The remain-
ing time can now be modi fi ed by adding or subtract ing time using the Chevron up and down arrows. At
any point in the roast, if the time display reaches 00:00 the KN-8828B will automatically eject the beans.
When the display is not encircled (above right) the display will still show the amount of time remaining in
the current roast. The Target Time can be changed at any time during the roast. The total roast time (time
elapsed + time remaining) cannot exceed 25:00. When the Target Time is selected, the Up Chevron arrow
will not be available if 25:00 would be exceeded by the addition of more time.
During the roast, the temperature display can show two different parameters. If t he Select arrow is
used to choose the t emperature display it becomes encircled (shown to the left). This is the Target Tem-
perature which, if reached, will automatically eject the beans. When the display is not encircled (above
right) it is the current temperature in the roasting chamber. The Target Temperatu re can be changed at any
time during the roast up to the maximum of 428 F. If the Target Temperature is lowered to the point that it
equals the current temperature the beans will b e ejected.
167 to 428 F.
Target Time
10:00 to 25:00
Main Fan Speed
Five speeds. Each of the four bars represent 25%. When no bars are showing the fan is off.
Heating Element Power
Eleven selectable heating levels. Each bar represents 10% of the heating element’s
power. When no bars are selected the heating element is off.
SELECTING TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT UNITS The KN-8828B Coffee Roaster can be set to d isplay temperatures in Fah renheit or Celsius. To change
the displayed units follow these steps. This only needs to be done once unless you desire to change the
standard in the future. NOTE: Throughout the following step-by-step sections, black and yellow high-
words refer to the button selections on the control panel of the same name
With the KN-8828B unplugged, press and hold the SELECT button (3rd but-
ton from the top).
While holding the SELECT button in, plug the power cord into an appropriate outlet. Hold
the button for about three additional seconds. The machine will give a quick double-beep. You
can now release the SELECT button.
The display will show the temperature standard. Change it by using
the CHEVRON ar row keys. The choices are either “C” for Celsius or
“F” for Fahrenheit.
When the preferred temperature standard is displayed, press EJECT.