X - ResourcesFor specific information not contained in this manual visit our website at www.hottopusa.com. There
you will find a troubleshooting guide as well as an FAQ filled with lots of hints and tips that will be of
assistance to you. There is also a complete repair guide should you decide to u ndertake repairs on your
own. Be aware that you should always consult with us before attempting repair on any machine still under
The next best place to find information on just about any subject is the I nternet and coffee is no excep-
tion. Use your favorite search engine to find information about coffee. Try some of the following search
• Green Coffee beans
• Home roasting
• Home coffee roasting
• Coffee roasting forum
• How to make coffee
• French press or Press pot
• Pour over cone
• Hottop roaster
Also search for specific topics on your favorite coffee such as “Colombian coffee” or “Sumatran cof-
When you enter any one of those search topics be prepared to be offered thousands of Internet sites.
It reflects how popular fine coffee has become and how many people, like you, are looking for something
better in the way of coffee. There are even online forums dedicated specifically to home coffee roasting.
Suppliers of Beans
The first place to look for green coffee is locally. If you live i n or near a city look for “Coffee roasters”
in the yellow pages. Many will be glad to sell you green coffee, and beyond that, coffee roasters tend to
be a friendly bunch and are often willing to discuss the art of roasting coffee, particularly with customers
who show an interest. After you have a dozen or so roasting sessions under your belt and have a better idea
of what is going on, stri ke up a conversation with your local roaster. Don’t expect to learn any “secrets”
about their proprietary blends though. Those are generally a closely guarded secret.
After that, the best place to find green beans is by mail order through the Internet. Do a search for
“green coffee” or “coffee beans” and you will see that there are a large number of suppliers out there. You
will be amazed at how many different coffees there are from which to choose.. When getting started don’t
pick too many. Start with enough coffee to roast three or four batches each (about two pounds) of three or
four different coffees. It will be easier and less confusing to learn what they taste like that way.