Now that you have a basic understanding of how a Program roasts coffee, you can begin to create
and modify your own Programs. This section will help you understand the parameters of programming
the KN-8828P.
This chart visu ally shows the eight Program Segments and t he temperature range of each available
for programming. You will notice that the chart resembles a staircase, with the steps rising in temperature
as you progress along the roasting process. Here are some hints, tips, features, and facts that will help you
create successful Programs:
- Generally speaking, coffee should not
be allowed to cool off during the roast.
Chemical changes are taking place in the
coffee beans, and if they lose too much
heat during the roast the reaction can be
harmed and the taste of the coffee will be
negatively affected. It is fi ne to maintain a
temperature level, but dropping the beans’
temperature should generally be avoided.
- A program is made up of up to eight
Segments. Each Segment will have a
setting for time, temperature, and fan
- The smallest amount of time in a Program
is 10:00, and the greatest is 22:00. A
Program must have at least 4 programmed
Segments (3 segments at 3:00 each, plus
one additional Segment of at least 1:00).
- You do not need to use all eight segments
when roasting. A Segment can be
eliminated from the Program by entering
“0:01” for its time.
- If the user desires a temperature to be help for more than three minutes (each Segment’s maximum
programmed time) consecutive segments can be programmed for the same temperature. For example,
Segments 3 and 4 can both be programmed for “290” and 3 minutes each, totaling 6 minutes, to hold the
temperature at that level once it is reached.
- In any given segment, or portion of a Segment, once the programmed temperature is achieved, the KN-
8828P will cycle the heating element to hold that temperature until the time for that Segment expires.
- If the temperature for a Segment is not achieved during its programmed time, the program will still move
on to the next segment. During this time the heating element will stay on until the temperature is reached.
This can be used for a more rapid temperature rise.
- It is not important for the roaster to reach a programmed temperature in a Segment. Setting a high,
unattainable temperature in a Segment is a way to force the heating element to stay on during that time
- Because of the amount of time it takes for the KN-8828P to increase the temperature in the roasting
chamber, drastic changes should be avoided unless a Program is created that gives suffi cient time for
the rise in temperature before time runs out for the Program. When creating Programs, if you take into
account that the KN-8828P can change temperature at a rate of between 0.2 F/sec - 0.5 F/sec, you can
create a more accurate and controlled Program.
Understanding Programs and Segments - KN-8828P be allowed to cool off during the roast.
- If the user desires a temperature to be help for more than three minutes (each Segment’s maximum