The KN-8828B gives the user the option to easily and quickly roast using an automatic mode. The
“Auto” mode supplies a roasting curve that can begin with as few as three presses of a single button. It can
be modifi ed to r un for a programmed amount of time or a programed temperature and will automatically
eject the beans when either parameter is reached. It also allows time to be changed at any time during the
roast or for the target temperature to be modifi ed. The roast can be stopped at any time the user desires. If
this is your fi rst time roasti ng coffee we highly recommend starting with the AUTO function.
Plug the machine into an appropriate outlet and POWER becomes illuminated.
Press the button next to POWER to begin.
“AUTO” is the default display.
Select Auto Mode by pressing the button next to START
WARNING: Read and understand this owner’s manual and all the
safety precautions before following these step-by-step instructions!
WARNING: Never leave the roaster unattended during a roast!
KN-8828BAUTO Mode1
“PH” fl a shing in the Target Time display area indicates t hat the roaster is in
“Preheat” mode. When the roaster signals you with a series of beeps (at around 166
F.) it is time to pour in the green coffee beans.
Use the SELECT Arrow key to highlight the parameter you wish to modify.
At any time, if you wish to end the roast, simply press the EJECT button and
the machine will eject the beans and begin the cooling mode.
To begin roasting with the default parameters of “AUTO” mode, press START
once more and the roasting process begins.
MODIFYING ROAST PARAMETERSEither before t he roast begin s or af ter the Pre-Heat (PH) cycle ends, various roasting parameters
can be changed. Before beginning the roast, only Target Time and Target Temperature are available to be
modifi ed. Dur ing the Roast you can change Fa n Speed and Heating Element Power as well.
Here you see the box around the time parameter indicating that it is selected
and displaying Target Time which continuously shows the remaining roast time
before the beans are ejected. Target Time is now ready to be modifi ed.
While the roast is in progress, if the temperature display reaches 414 F., a
safety feature will alert the user with warning beeps. If the user does not press a key
(other than EJECT) within 30 seconds the beans will be automatically ejected.
To change the Target Time use the CHEVRON arrows. Individual presses of
the arrows increase or decrease the time by ten seconds. Holding down an arrow
speeds up the changes.