MotionDrapeā„¢ LED User Manual (Rev. 05) Page 9 of 13



Set this product in one of the standalone mo des to control it without a DMX controller.
1. Connect this product to a suit able power outlet.
2. Turn this product on.
Never connec t a product that is op erati ng i n any stand alo ne m od e, w heth er Stat ic,
Automatic, or Sound to a DMX string connected to a DMX controller. This is
because product
s in standalone mode may transmit DMX signals that could
interfere with the DMX signals f r om the controller.

Sound Active


To enable the S ound Active mode, do the following:
1. Press <MENU> repeatedl y unt il Sound shows on the display.
2. Press <ENTER>.
3. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select Yes.
4. Press <ENTER>.
5. Turn the music on until the product responds to the beat of the music.
The product will only respond to low frequencies of the music ( bass and drum s).

Automatic Mode T o enabl e the Automatic M ode, follo w the instructions below:

1. Press <MENU> repeatedl y unt il Automatic shows on the display.
2. Press <ENTER>.
3. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select Yes.
4. Press <ENTER>.