DMX Primer 10
DMX Primer
There are 512 channels in a DMX c onnecti on. A fixture cap able of receiving DMX wil l require one
or a number of sequ ential channels. Th e user must assign a starting address on the fixture that
indicates the first c hannel reserved in the controller. T here are many diff erent types of DMX
controllable fixtur es and they all may vary in the total num ber of channels required. Ch oosing a
start address should be planned in advance. Channels should never overlap. If they do, this will
result in erratic operati on of the fixtures whose starting address is set incorrectly. You can
however, control multiple fixtures of t he same type using t he same starting address as long as th e
intended result is that of unis on movement or operation. I n other words, the fixtures will all
respond exactly the s ame.
DMX fixtures are designed to receive data t hrough a daisy chai n. A daisy chain c onnection is
where the DATA OUT of one fixture connects to the DATA IN of the next fixture. The order in
which the fixtures are conn ected is not important and has no ef fect on how a controller
communicates to eac h fixture. Use an order that provides f or the easiest and most direct cabling .
Connect fixtures us ing shielded two c onductor twisted p air DMX data cable with t hree pin XLR
male to female conn ectors. The shield c onnection is pin 1 , while pin 2 is Dat a Negative (S-) and
pin 3 is Data positi ve (S+).
Fixture Linking (Dai s y Chain )
You will need a daisy c hain to run light sh ows of one or more f ixtures using a D MX controller or to
run synchronized sh ows on two or mor e fixtures set to a m aster/slave operati ng mode. The
combined number of chann els required by all the fixtures on a daisy chain determines the number
of fixtures the data link can support.
To comply with the EIA-485 st andard, do not connect more than 32 fixtures on o ne daisy
chain. Connecting more than 32 fixtures on one dai sy chain without the use of a DMX
optically-isolated splitter may re sult in deterioration of the di gital DMX signal.
Maximum recommen ded cable distance: 500 m (1640 ft )
Maximum recommende d nu mb er of f ixtu r es on a daisy chain: 32
Data Cabling
To link fixtures tog ether you must obt ain data cables. You can purchase CHAUVETĀ® certified
DMX cab les dir ectly f rom a deal er/distributor or c onstruct your own c able. If you choose t o create
your own cable pleas e use data-grade c ables that can carr y a high quality si gnal and are less
prone to electromag netic interferenc e.

DMX Data Cable

Use a BeldenĀ© 9841 or equivalent cabl e which meets the s pecifications for EIA RS-485
applications. Stand ard microphone cables cannot t ransmit DMX data reliably ov er long distances.
The cable must have th e following charact eristics:
Type: shielded, 2-conductor twisted pair
Maximum capacitanc e between conductors : 30 pF/ft
Maximum capacitanc e between conductor and shield: 55 pF/ft
Maximum resistanc e: 20 ohms/1000 ft
Nominal impedance: 10 0 ~ 140 ohms