Using Your MP3200
MP3200BT Communication Indications
LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 Status
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
MP3200BT is ready to be connected or
is connected by RS232 interface.
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
MP3200BT Bluetooth radio link built.
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
IrOBEX link built
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
IrCOMM link built
MP3200 Communication Indications
LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 Status
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
MP3200 is ready to be connected or is
connected by RS232 interface.
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
IrOBEX link built
Blinking at 2 seconds intervals
IrCOMM link built
Battery Status Indications
LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 Battery Status
Green Green Green Green More than 90% of battery remains
Green Green Green More than 70% of battery remains
Green Green More than 50% of battery remains
Green More than 20% of battery remains
Orange Less than 20% of battery remains
Red Less than 10% of battery remains
a. The MP3200(BT) gives 1 warning beep at 5 seconds
intervals when the battery power is less than 20%.
b. The MP3200(BT) gives 2 warning beeps at 5 seconds
intervals when the battery power is less than 10%.
c. You may check the battery status by pressing the
POWER button .
MP3200 User’s Guide