Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Overview and Reference Guide
Chapter 1 Overview and Physical Description
Rack-Mounting Considerations
Figure 1-12 Cisco ASR 9912 Router Chassis Footprint Dimensions—Top Down View
Chassis SlotsAll Cisco ASR 9010 Router chassis line cards and RSP cards are front-facing and mounted vertically,
with ejector levers and captive screws at the top and bottom of each card.
All Cisco ASR 9006 Router and Cisco ASR 9904 Router chassis line cards and RSP cards are
front-facing and mounted horizontally, with ejector levers and captive screws at the left and right ends
of each card.
All Cisco ASR 9922 Router chassis RP, FC, and line cards are front-facing and mounted vertically, with
ejector levers and captive screws at the top and bottom of each card.
Rear of chassis
Front of chassis
17.60 in
(44.70 cm)
29.44 in
(74.78 cm)
18.97 in
(48.18 cm)
22 in
(55.88 cm)