Chapter 11 Administering DFM (Advanced)
System Administration
Field | Description | Usage Notes |
Organization | Name of your | Use complete name or abbreviation for your organization. |
Name | organization |
Organization | Name of department in | Use complete name or abbreviation for your department. |
Unit Name | your organization |
Host Name | Name of server on | Use the DNS name of the server. |
| which DFM is installed | Note Use the proper domain name, which should already |
| |
| be displayed in the Host Name field. |
Email Address | Your | — |
Step 3 Click Apply.
Backing Up and Restoring DFM Data
Use the LMS portal to perform immediate backups or schedule backups of DFM data. Common Services provides a command line script that restores data, including data from previous versions of Common Services and DFM.
•For backing up data, select Server > Admin > Backup, click Help, and follow the instructions.
•For restoring data, select Server > Admin > Backup, click Help, and click the Help link to the Restoring Data topic.
If you are restoring data from DFM 1.2.x or earlier, you will see a warning message and should follow the instructions in the message.
Step 1 On the DFM 1.2.x or earlier server, run the following command on Solaris. (NMSROOT is the folder where DFM is installed on the server. If you selected the default directory during installation, it is C:\Program Files\CSCOpx on Windows and /opt/CSCOpx on Solaris.)
Run this command on Windows:
Step 2 Copy seedfile.txt to a temporary location on your upgraded server.
Step 3 Use the CiscoWorks pdshow command to verify that the daemon manager is running (crmdmgtd on Windows and dmgtd on Solaris).
Step 4 Import the DFM 1.2.x or earlier information, using this command on Solaris:
NMSROOT/bin/dfmimport fn=fullpath/seedfile.txt
Run this command on Windows:
NMSROOT\bin\dfmimport.exe fn=fullpath\seedfile.txt
| User Guide for Device Fault Manager |