Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Generating L2 and VPLS Reports
This chapter provides information on generating L2 and VPLS repor ts. It contains the following
Overview, page 13-1
Accessing L2 and VPLS Reports, page 13-1
L2 and VPLS Reports, page 13-2
Creating Custom L2 and VPLS Reports, page 13-11
The ISC reporting GUI is used across multiple ISC modules, including L2 and VPLS. For a general
coverage of using the reports GUI, running rep orts, using the output from reports, and creating
customized reports, see “Monitoring” chapter in the Cisco IP Solution Center Infrastructure Reference,
6.0. The rest of this chapter provides information about the L2 and VPLS reports available in ISC.

Accessing L2 and VPLS Reports

Perform the following steps to access the L2 and VPLS reports.
Step 1 To access the reports framework in the ISC GUI, choose Monitoring > Reports.
The Reports window appears. (See Figure 13-1.)