Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0

ISC Layer 2 VPN Concepts

This appendix provides an overview of ISC Layer 2 VP N concepts. It contains the following sections.
Layer 2 Terminology Conventions, page E-1
L2VPN Service Provisioning, page E-5
VPLS Service Provisioning, page E-10

Layer 2 Terminology Conventions

Layer 2 service provisioning for the IP Solution Center (ISC) consists of the Laye r 2 Virtual Private
Network (L2VPN) Service and the Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS). The purpose of this section is
to clarify the terminologies used in ISC, as well in the industry at large, for these services.
There are three sets of terminologies in use:
The current Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) terminology
The former MEF terminology
ISC terminology (which is close to the former MEF terminology)
MEF Terminology Conventions
In general, for L2VPN services, the MEF supports two general Ethernet servic e type constructs:
Ethernet Line (E-Line). Provides a point-to-point Ethe rnet Virtual Circuit (EVC).
Ethernet LAN (E-LAN). Provides a multipoint-to-m ultipoint EVC.
Two Ethernet services are available for each type. These are distinguished by the means of service
identification used at the user-to-network interface (UNIs), as follows:
Port based. All-to-one bundling. These are referred to as “private.”
VLAN-based. These services are multiplexed. The EVC is identified by a VLAN ID. These are
referred as “virtual private.”
Tabl e E-1 summarizes these relationships.